Mednarodni posvet LAS in konferenca: Pametne vasi za zeleno, digitalno in odporno Evropo, 30. 9. – 2. 10. 2021

  • 27 julij 2021 |
  • velikost pisave

Mednarodnega posveta LAS: Pametne vasi za zeleno, digitalno in odporno Evropo, ki bo potekal v Krškem, 30. 9. - 2. 10. 2021, se bo udeležilo več kot 100 udeležencev, kar tretjina iz tujine; skupna stališča štirih tematskih delavnic pa bodo sooblikovali predstavniki 50 lokalnih akcijskih skupin in inštitucij iz šestih držav. Glavne zaključke bomo predstavili, 1. 10. 2021, na mednarodni konferenci z istim imenom, ki jo organizira pisarna evropskega poslanca Franca Bogoviča s partnerji. Konferenca je eden od uradnih dogodkov na visoki ravni v okviru slovenskega predsedovanja Svetu Evropske unije. Na konferenci se bodo slovenski LAS predstavili tudi z razstavo svojih projektov, zadnji dan posveta pa si bodo udeleženci ogledali dobre prakse na področju pametnih vasi iz Finske, Hrvaške in območja LAS Posavje, Slovenija.

V večernem delu prvega dneva posveta bo potekala slovesnost ob 30. obletnici programa LEADER v EU in podelitev nagrade za inovativnega novega pristopnika v letu 2020 v okviru projekta  Newbie. Udeležili se jo bodo številni visoki gosti, med njimi tudi podpredsednica Evropske komisije in evropska komisarka, pristojna za demokracijo in demografijo Dubravka Šuica, evropski poslanec Franc Bogovič, dr. Jože Podgoršek, minister za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano Republike Slovenije, predsednica ELARD Marion Eckardt ter drugi ugledni gostje iz Slovenije in tujine.

Mednarodni posvet LAS organizira Društvo za razvoj Slovenskega podeželja s partnerji: LAS Posavje in Občino Krško, Evropsko LEADER mrežo za razvoj podeželja, LEADER mrežo Hrvaške ter Ministrstvom za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano in Mrežo za razvoj podeželja.


V četrtek, 30. 9. 2021, bodo pri Treh lučkah v Krškem potekale štiri delavnice. Dve bosta potekali v slovenskem jeziku: »Pomen Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj za razvoj lokalnih pobud, izvajanje projektov s socialnimi vsebinami« in »Povezava z Evropskim socialnim skladom« ter dve v angleškem jeziku: »Stališče Odbora regij o CLLD in vidik pametnih vasi« in »Prispevek LAS k razvoju pametnih vasi«. V panelni predstavitvi bomo pripravili skupne zaključke, nato pa dan zaključili s slovesnostjo ob 30. obletnici programa LEADER v EU in podelitvijo nagrade za inovativnega novega pristopnika v letu 2020 v okviru projekta  Newbie.

Naslednji dan, 1. 10. 2021, bo potekala mednarodna konferenca "Pametne vasi za zeleno, digitalno in odporno Evropo". Po uvodnih pozdravih bo zbrane nagovorila Dubravka Šuica, podpredsednica Evropske komisije in evropska komisarka, pristojna za demokracijo in demografijo, nato pa bosta sledila sklopa Pametne vasi v EU in Sloveniji: Pogled politike na razvoj evropskega podeželja v dobi digitalizacije ter omizje z ministri, evropskimi poslanci in predstavniki Evropskega odbora regij v katerem bo Goran Šoster v imenu Društva za razvoj slovenskega podeželja predstavil zaključke četrtkovih delavnic. V popoldanskem delu bo potekal ”Strokovni” panel – Pametne vasi v EU in Sloveniji ter primeri dobrih praks s področja digitalizacije v različnih gospodarskih in družbenih sektorjih na katerem bo Janja Jordan, LAS Posavje predstavila pet slovenskih projektov in evropski projekt SmartRural21. Konferenco bo prepletalo tudi spoznavanje lokalnih kulinaričnih posebnosti, ki so združene v »Okusi Posavja«

Zaradi omejitev, povezanih z epidemijo COVID-19, bo konferenca zaprtega tipa (vstop samo z vabilom), udeleženci mednarodnega posveta LAS pa bomo na konferenci aktivno sodelovali na daljavo iz Treh lučk. Po zaključku konference si bodo udeleženci mednarodnega posveta ogledali še dva lokalna primera dobrih praks – grad Rajhenburg in vinsko klet Krško.

Sobota, 2. 10. 2021, drugi dan mednarodnega posveta LAS, bo namenjen spoznavanju dobrih praks na področju pametnih vasi. V prvem delu bosta pri Treh lučkah potekali predstavitvi uspešnih primerov iz Finske (Finland Smart Rural 21 village) in Hrvaške (Zelena energetska zadruga Križevci) nato pa si bomo na terenu ogledali Lisco v Sevnici, kot primer dobre prakse v območju LAS Posavje, Slovenija.


Uradna spletna stran mednarodne konference:


Gradivo / Materials:


International Forum of LAG and Conference: Smart Villages for a Green, Digital and Resilient Europe, 30. 9. – 2. 10. 2021


The International LAG Forum: Smart villages for a digital, green and resilient Europe, which will be held in Krško between the 30th of September and the 2nd of October 2021, will be attended by over 100 participants, of which a third are from abroad. The common positions of the four thematic workshops will be formed by the representatives of 50 local action groups and institutions from six countries. Their main conclusions will be presented on the 1st of October 2021 at the international conference with the same name that is organised by the office of Mr. Franc Bogovič, member of the European Parliament, and partners, the conference is one of the official events at a high level in the frame of the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the European Union. At the conference Slovenian LAGs will present themselves with an exhibition of their projects and on the last day of the forum participants will view good practices in the field of smart villages from Finland, Croatia and the area of LAG Posavje, Slovenia.  

In the evening of the first day of the forum there will be a celebration to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the LEADER programme and an award ceremony for the innovative new entrant of the year 2020 in the frame of the Newbie project. It will be attended by several important guests, among them vice-president of the European Commission and the European Commissioner for Democracy and Demography Ms. Dubravka Šuica, member of the European Parliament Mr. Franc Bogovič, dr. Jože Podgoršek, minister for agriculture, forestry and food of the Republic of Slovenia, president of ELARD Ms. Marion Eckardt, and other distinguished guests from Slovenia and abroad. 

The international LAG forum is organised by the Slovenian Rural Development Network and partners: LAG Posavje and municipality of Krško, the European LEADER Association for Rural Development, LEADER Network Croatia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and the Slovenian National Rural Network.

Detailed program

On Thursday, 30. 9. 2021, there will be 4 workshops taking place at Tri lučke in Krško. Two will be held in the Slovenian language: “Importance of ERDF for the development of local initiatives” and “Implementing projects with social content” and  two in the English language: “The opinion on CLLD of the Committee of the Regions and point of view on Smart villages” and “The contribution of the LAG to the development of smart villages”. In the panel presentation we will present the joint conclusions of the day and conclude the day with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the LEADER program and an award ceremony for the innovative new entrant of the year 2020 in the frame of the Newbie project.

The next day, 1. 10. 2021, the International conference “Smart villages for a digital, green and resilient Europe" will be held. After the introductory speeches a keynote speech will be held by Ms. Dubravka Šuica, vice-president of the European Commission and the European Commissioner for Democracy and Demography. Next Smart villages in the EU and Slovenia: A policy perspective on development European rural areas in the age of digitalization and a roundtable discussion with ministers of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Members of the European Parliament and representatives of the European Committee of the Regions in which Mr. Goran Šoster will present conclusions of Thursday’s workshops on behalf of the Slovenian Rural Development Network will follow. In the afternoon there will be a “Professional” panel – Smart Villages in the EU and Slovenia and Examples of good practices in the field of digitalization in various economic and social sectors at which Janja Jordan from LAG Posavje will present five Slovenian projects and the European SmartRural21 project. The conference will be intertwined with a culinary presentation of local specialities that are connected in “The tastes of Posavje”.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions the conference will be closed to the public (entry by invite only) and the attendees of the international LAG forum will actively participate at the conference virtually from Tri lučke. After the conclusion of the conference the participants of the international forum will visit two local examples of good practices – Castle Rajhenburg and Krško wine cellar.

Saturday, 2. 10. 2021, the second day of the international LAG forum will be dedicated to getting to know good practices in the field of smart villages. In the first part a presentation of good practices from Finland (Finland Smart Rural 21 village) and Croatia (Green energy cooperative Križevci) will be held at Tri lučke, afterwards we will have a field visit in Lisca, Sevnica as an example of good practices in the area of LAG Posavje, Slovenia.

Uradna spletna stran mednarodne konference:


Posvet LAS Pametne vasi LOGOTIPI nov.jpg


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